MA Sociology First Year Solved Assignments for 2020-21 Session


The Masters Programme in Sociology (MSO) aims to impart in-depth sociological knowledge based on critical comprehension and analysis of social dynamics. In terms of content it focuses on the issues of development of the largest section of the population.

MA Sociology First Year has 4 subjects for which you have to submit assignment for each to be able to apply for examination. It is compulsory to submit assignments to complete the course. You can download solved assignments for MA Sociology course from this page (links are given below).

English Medium Solved Assignments

Course CodeCourse TitleLink
MSO-001Sociological Theories and ConceptsDownload
MSO-002Research Methodologies and MethodsDownload
MSO-003Sociology of DevelopmentDownload
MSO-004Sociology in IndiaDownload

Hindi Medium Solved Assignments

Course CodeCourse TitleLink
MSO-001समाजषास्त्रीय सिद्धांत और संकल्पनाएंDownload
MSO-002शोध पद्धतियाँ और विधियाँDownload
MSO-003विकास का समाजशास्त्रDownload
MSO-004भारत में समाजशास्त्रDownload

These assignment solutions are valid for 2020-21 session. Meaning students who are registered in July 2020 and January 2021 sessions can submit these assignments.

Last date for assignment submission as per written in the assignment is :

  1. For students admitted in July 2020 Batch : 31st March, 2021
  2. For students admitted in January 2021 Batch : 30th September, 2021

In case you are planning to appear in June Term-End Examination, you must submit the assignments to the Coordinator of your Study Centre latest by 31st March and if you are planning to appear in December Term-End Examination, you must submit them latest by 30th September.

*Dates for assignment submission may change by University please follow the new dates as per given by University, if any.

You must obtain a receipt from the Study Centre for the assignments submitted and retain it. If possible, keep a xerox copy of the assignments with you. The Study Centre will have to return the assignments to you after they are evaluated. Please insist on this. The Study Centre has to send the marks to the SR&E Division at IGNOU, New Delhi.