How to calculate percentage for IGNOU ?


Welcome to KHOJINET’s Percentage Calculator section, this percentage calculator allows you to get detailed analysis of your marks in BCA. Now no more hours of manual brain-storming trying to calculate academic performance for you and your friends, just follow the simple procedure below and get your percentage calculated in seconds.

How to Calculate Percentage in PC (Edge Browser)

  1. Open Microsoft Edge Browser.
  2. Goto Extension Add on page by Clicking Here
  3. Install IGNOU Percentage extension by Clicking on GET button.
  4. After installing the extension open IGNOU Grade Card Page.
  5. Enter your enrollment and program details in the page and click Search button.
  6. On the grade card page you will see Calculate Percentage button at the bottom.
  7. Click on the Calculate Percentage button.
  8. On the next page you will see the page with all calculation done and overall percentage at the end of the page.

How to Calculate Percentage in PC (Chrome Browser)

  1. Download our Chrome Extension and extract it in a new folder.
  2. Click on Menu button in Chrome and Goto Extensions.
  3. Turn on the Developer the mode from the top right corner of the screen.
  4. Click on Load Unpacked button on top left.
  5. Select the folder where you extracted the zip file in the first step.
  6. After installing Chrome Extension Open IGNOU Grade Card Page.
  7. Enter your enrollment and program details in the page and click Search button.
  8. On the grade card page you will see Calculate Percentage button at the bottom.
  9. Click on the Calculate Percentage button.
  10. On the next page you will see the page with all calculation done and overall percentage at the end of the page.

How to Calculate Percentage in Mobile

  1. Download our IGNOU Percentae Calculator Android App from Google Play Store.
  2. In the app select BCA Percentage.
  3. Enter your enrollment number and program other details.
  4. After submitting the details a page will open with your percentage calculation.